Feb 1997,
Kennen Sie die ber hmte Cartoonserie Tom &
Jerry und die Zeichentrickfilme von Hugh Harman, k nnen aber keine vern
nftige Liste der Folgen bzw. Filme finden? Randy's Evergrowing Cartoon
Page bietet entsprechende Listen, auf denen Folgen und Filme, die f r einen
Oscar nominiert wurden bzw. einen gewonnen haben, markiert sind. Weitere
Informationen zu den Themen bieten Ihnen die Links. Also nichts wie hin!
(Sprache: Englisch). |
Feb 1997,
An excellent place! Good Job. |
June 1997,
A super job! We see so few pages which highlight
information over hi-tech fluff. Only 1% of our animtion site reviews receive
permission to air this emblem.... keep up the good work. Where's George
and Jr? |
July 1997,
Not every site makes it here. Thanks for the submission
and congratulations on a job well done. I remember T & J as a kid and
always sighed how Tom lost out every time... Just once wouldn't you have
liked to see a cat victory? Keep going on the upgrades. |
August 1997,
As we don't publicize our awards you should feel
fortunate that we chose the "Tom and Jerry Information Site" as a 4-star
family experience. An encyclopedia of information! We have given out over
7000 of these emblems (from 1-5 stars) to honor high quality of data in
a family oriented atmosphere. |
August 1997,
You did not win the "Top 10% Award", but because
everybody's site cannot be the best design we offer you the "NGI
Cool Site Award", and your site is very cool! |
November 1997,
Your pages were beautiful! Cool site! I love Tom
and Jerry! :) Great job! Congratulations on your award and I hope you like
it! :)
.......Dilini (*Almost an Anger*)....... |
February 1998,
I've picked your Cartoon Page as The Toon Tracker
Top Toon Site for February 1998. I really enjoy and appreciate all the
work that you've put into your site, and the information you provide is
a great resource for
animation fans worldwide. |
December 1998,
Resource for information on the Hanna and Barbera
cartoon series.
Focuses on cartoons created from 1940 to 1958.
Includes a
chronological listing of films, detailed synopses,
images, sound files,
and links to related sites. Very Noteworthy! |
March 1999,
Después de entrar a este “Sitio de información
de Tom y Jerry” de Randy Simcox, será inevitable que lo recorras
de principio a fin. Es excelente. Aquí encontrarás una lista
completa de los episodios y cada uno con todos sus datos: fecha de creación,
productor, premio que recibió sinopsis e imágenes clásicas.
Además, todos los personajes aparecen junto a algún dato
interesante puedes ver más de cincuenta dibujos y fotos de la serie.
Si tienes los programas adecuados, podrás escuchar la música
de la serie y los sonidos más típicos, y acceder a una sección
de multimedia donde Tom y Jerry casi se salen de la pantalla. En resumen,
es un sitio que cualquier fanático de estos caricatoons no se puede
perder. |