
butch 1 Butch has quite a few appearances in the series and he changes very little. He first appears in 1946's "Springtime For Thomas" where his name is simply Dream Boy. The scene to the left is from "A Mouse In The House", 1947.
butch 2 This scan is from "Tennis Chumps", 1949.  Other Butch appearances are in:  Springtime For Thomas - A Mouse In The House - Heavenly Puss - Tennis Chumps - Saturday Evening Puss - Casanova Cat - Sleepytime Tom -  Baby Butch - Smarty Cat - Muscle Beach Tom - Blue Cat Blues. Some of these are bit parts for sure and may include Trap Happy as well, but I don't believe this is really Butch.
butch 3 There is also a cat named Butch in 1957's "Mucho Mouse" but he is ginger colored and by this time the animation is really diminished... though still good by todays standards. This is a picture from "Baby Butch."